Times are tough right now, with so much uncertainty and drama circling everywhere around us.....Sometimes it's tough to not get caught up in the negativity and pessimism, with the constant bombardment of "doom and gloom"...
But it doesn't have to be that way....

Remember you have the strength and power to make YOUR world around you exactly that....YOUR world. Find those things, those people, those friends, those activities, those animals, that food, that book, that painting, those poems.......that make you happy. And hold tight to them.....
You shouldn't have to look very far. They are right there where they have always been....maybe a little hidden, maybe a little more tucked away than a few months ago....but still right there. And still just as wonderful.
Some things may be different now...but not everything. A smile can still reach ear to ear when it's genuine, when it can no longer be kept in. And there are still a whole bunch of people who want to see it.....